Focus pe tine
Credem ca e timpul! Timp de 14 ani am adunat informatii si experiente si acum suntem pregatiti sa le impartasim cu tine. Nu intr-un workshop de 2 sau 3 zile, intr-un program complet customizat care sa te ajuta sa sari doua trepte deodata. Un program gandit sa te ajute sa-ti descoperi eu-l tau fotografic. Acel lucru care te face pe tine unic. Un program in care am pus tot sufletul nostru si absolut tot ce stim noi despre fotografia de nunta si nu numai, ca tu sa poti creste intr-un singur an cat altii in 5.
Un workshop complet de 3 zile in care vom vorbi despre lumina, compozitie, poveste, prelucrare si multe altele. Fiecare etapa a nuntii explicata. O experinta in care vei invata nu doar cum dar te vom ajuta sa intelegi DE CE.
O serie de 5 webinare unde ne vom intalni cu unii dintre cei mai buni fotojournalisti din tara. Vor fi foarte multe informatii ce pot fi transpuse in fotografia de nunta.
Apoi, vom avea 5 sesiuni online, a cate 2 ore, unu-la unu, 2 ore de discutii deschise, review pe o nunta intreaga, review de portofoliu, afacere, prezenta online, brand etc. Fiecare sesiune este special gandita pentru tine.
O intalnire lunara on-line unde vom discuta despre: Comunicare, Management de clienti, Prezenta online, Premii, Website si multe altele.
Grup suport pe facebook unde vom raspunde saptamanal la orice intrebare, nelamurire sau curiozitate.
Pentru ca ne dorim ca fiecare sa primeasca atentia cuvenita, sunt doar 15 locuri in program. Vom avea doua sesiuni online de Intrebari si raspunsuri in grupul de FB aici -
tipuri de lumina
unde gasesc lumina buna
lumina naturala vs artificial
cand ,cum si de ce?
geometrie in fotografie
cand declansez
de ce declansez
ce vreau sa comunic
adobe camera raw
cand si cum prelucram
mai putin
cum aleg fotografiile
speed culling
focus on you
Looks like the time has come! 14 years we have gathered knowledge and experience and are now ready to share it. Not in a 2 or 3 days workshop but in a complete and tailored way that we believe will help you jump two steps at a time. No, we don't want you to shoot as we do, we are here to help you find your own voice and for that, we have developed this program. We poured our hearts into it and we believe it will help you jump 5 years in one.
A 3-day complete workshop where we discuss every little detail on light, composition, storytelling, and editing.
A series of 5 webinars with some of the best photojournalists and documentary photographers to unveil all that they do and why they do it.
Then we move to one-to-one sessions, 5 sessions per person, 2 hours of open discussions where we can go for a Full Wedding Review, Portfolio Review, Business Review, In-depth QA sessions, or whatever you need. All tailored to YOU.
1 Online Team Gathering every month where we discuss topics like Client Communication, Client Management, Online presence, Awards, and more..
To give everyone the attention they deserve there are only 15 places available. Join our FB Group for two free Q& A session here -
Romanian wedding photographers, life lovers, big huggers and why not dancers. Yup! Dancing wedding photographers! that's US!